Semiconductor Chip and Design Recruitment

Fusing Expertise and Experience to Provide Excellence 

Supporting Your Need for Excellence

Born in Boston in 2019, we had a mission not just to reshape what’s expected from a specialist recruiter, but to exceed expectations by delivering an unparalleled service. Thanks to our relentless pursuit of excellence, we’ve connected with companies that share our passion for tech. Through these relationships, our staffing key specialties have improved, and we’ve able to support startups and enterprises with any struggles they encounter. 

Enhancing Electronic Devices

We recognize the pivotal role semiconductor jobs and chip design play in the tech industry. Because of our sharp focus and keen interest in the latest trends, we know that AI-integrated hardware is at the heart of cutting-edge advancements. With our partnerships, we cover Edge Inference, IoT, Hardware Acceleration, and innovative hardware architectures, and we appreciate the demand for Semiconductor Engineers, Chip Designers, and Architects. 

Acceler8 Talent is committed to shaping solutions to consistently uncover tech-focused talent that is primed to elevate your organization. Our expert Semiconductor and Chip Design recruitment consultants combine an extensive network with industry knowledge to enable them to headhunt talent in the following areas. 

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Our Sectors

ML Research & Engineering

Software for ML Platforms

Silicon Photonics

High-Performance Computing

Machine Learning Compilers

Meet our Semiconductor Chip and Design Recruitment Team

Synergy Through Semiconductors

Our Semiconductor Chip and Design recruitment consultants have industry knowledge that spans GPUs, TPUs, and XPUs, Machine Learning Compilers, Data Center Computing, and more. By combining expertise with a comprehensive network, the Acceler8 Talent team can bring you exciting Semiconductor Chip and Design opportunities. 

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